Dark Electro, Industrial, New Wave, Goth and more…
9pm-2am | $8
(first fridays)
On Friday, July 2nd, Strangelove welcomes you back home. In the back room, DJs TOMAS DIABLO (strangelove) and BIT (death guild) spin the best of dark electro, industrial, new wave, and goth. In the front room, DJs KEYZ (club necromancy) and UNSEELIE (philtre) work their magic with dark disco and cobweb classics.
$8 Cover ($5 before 10pm
1190 Folsom, SF • 21+
• You will be required to show proof of vaccination to security at the front door, and will receive a wristband. This is to show the staff and patrons that you are vaccinated and can be mask-less inside the venue.
• All unvaccinated people or people who do not wish to show proof will be required to wear a mask while enjoying Cat Club SF
Proof of Vaccination:
• You can show a hard copy, image from your Dropbox, image from your social media or anywhere in your phone, of your vaccination card.
• We respect your wishes of not showing your card, but in that case, MASK ON - except when drinking but then MASK ON when you finish taking a drink.
• We are learning as we go, so please be patient with us and others as we are sure city and state will continue to change regulations.